tugas softskill bahasa inggris 2

Tugas Kelompok Bahasa Inggris bisnis 2













Agustinus Tri Hartono                                        10212411


Dwi Lillah Dhamayanti                                                12212290


Eggy Febrian                                                      12212382


Rachmat Sunarya                                               15212835


Siti Hindun                                                                    17212056


Sandy Dwi Putra                                                 1A213715


Haris Andrianto                                                13212320


Bambang Sudoro                                                  11212363


Andry Sugianto                                                      10212854










Universitas Gunadarma


Fakultas Ekonomi


Jurusan S1 Manajemen










1.1 Background




Industrial development in producing slippers sandals and slippers imitation leather at the present time is quite fast, because people in the world need slippers. Be it to protect themselves from dust, dirt as well as personal prestige. This will lead to competition among companies sandals. This is evidenced by the increasing number of departments strore in Jakarta and other areas in Indonesia. And they both want to give the best. And each has advantages in its products.




With the state of the market increasingly overrun by an assortment of products, it can cause the effect to consumers, especially in carrying out the purchase. That is their tendency to be more careful in choosing a product. The foregoing will encourage employers to be able to further improve the quality of its products.




In reality that is so, it can be said that the company can survive is a company that managed to find a buyer. And to get the buyer, it is necessary for the company in a very effective marketing strategy. So if the marketing strategy can be implemented either by the company, the addition will further accelerate the refund or the capital that has been issued by the company, and the benefits to be obtained, will give great hope also to hold the increase in efforts to promote the company, or at least can cope with competition. So it is obvious that the implementation of the marketing strategy is very important in a company’s overall marketing.




On the basis of these reasons, the authors are interested in performing scientific writing under the title “MARKETING STRATEGY PT. ARIZONA IN BUSINESS SALES INCREASE SANDALS “.




1.2 Problem Formulation




In this paper, the authors wanted to give the subject matter to be discussed is about how the implementation of marketing strategies used by PT. Arizona in an effort to increase sales of products slippers.




1.3 Limitations




In this case, the author will give a boundary problem only on the implementation of marketing strategies used by PT. Arizona in an effort to increase sales of products slippers. There is no data presented that data of turnover PT. Arizona in 1998 and 2002.




1.4 Purpose




The purpose of the writer take the title above is intended as follows:




To know the implementation of marketing strategies used by PT. Arizona in an effort to increase sales of products slippers.

To determine the level of sales achieved PT. Arizona during 1998 to 2002.

1.5 Methodology Writing




In order to formulate scientific writing, the data obtained by the authors need or methods as follows:




Field Studies


Ie by holding a question and answer directly to some employees and managers that have to do with oyek scientific writing.



Namely conducting research by direct observation of the activities of the company.




Study Library

Namely the collection of theories from books as literature relevant to scientific writing.




1.6 Systematics Writing




To facilitate the understanding of this writing, the authors decompose into several sections, among others:






In this

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